Dakota State University (Inactive)

Program Director: Renae Spohn , PhD, MBA, RHIA, CPHI, CPHQ, FAHIMA, FNAHQ
Program Phone: (605) 215-5777
Program Email: renae.spohn@dsu.edu
Content Delivery: Campus Based, Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Inactive
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 11/21/2019
Next Review Cycle: 2029-2030

Accreditation Actions

1/14/2025: This program is inactive and not enrolling new students.

July 2020 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation
December 2019 Accreditation Action: Grant 10 years of Initial Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following Standards:
The following Standard is Partially Met:
Standard 24.  The Curriculum.The below were reviewed per the program’s response to the site visit. The board review results are directly below.
V.B.2. partially met
I.C.1. not met
V.A.3. partially met
Still outstanding as per program response after site visit:
I.B.4. partially met
II.A.1. partially met
V.A.1. partially met
I.B.1. not met
III.A.2. not met
VI.A.3. not met
VI.C.2. not met
VI.C.3. not met
V. B.2. partially met
The assignment as presented in CAS does not demonstrate a Blooms level 5 of evaluate.  How will students provide the corrective action?  What is the deliverable from the student, a written document, a presentation, etc.  The assignment as presented is incomplete.
V.D. 2. Met – The assignment as presented meets the requirements for this subdomain. However, it would be helpful to have it clearly documented in the assignment to the student how they will submit and create this query.
VI.C.I. Met – The assignment as presented meets the requirements.  However, as above the information on what the student is doing should be clearly a part of this assignment. Also, for this one area there were three submitted assignment, one of which had “skip” written on the pdf document.  Therefore, it is unclear to a reviewer if this assignment is being used in the course.
I.C.1. Not met – The assignment as presented is incomplete. In the program response, there is reference to a video file.  However, at the time of the HIMAC review there was no access to that stated video file. The policy and procedure discussed in the assignment document are not provided.  Also, what is the deliverable for this assignment; a written submission, a discussion board post, etc.? Assignments is not clear as to what will the student be doing that will demonstrate the required Blooms’ taxonomic level.
V.A.3. Partially met -The assignment as presented is incomplete.  What will the students be doing to determine “necessary correction”; writing an essay, posting to a Discussion board, etc.? Using published materials is fine but it is unclear to the reviewer and perhaps the students on exactly what are the requirements of this assignment and how the student will be assessed and graded on submitted work.