1510 Lake Road
Dyersburg, TN, 38024
Program Director: Susan Osborne , MS, RHIA, CCS
Program Phone: (731) 286-3294
Program Email: osborne@dscc.edu
Content Delivery: Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 05/08/2020
Next Review Cycle: 2027-2028
Accreditation Actions
December 2020 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
May 2020 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met:
Standard 4. Program Goals. Improvements are required for the Curriculum Goal and Faculty Development Goal.
Standard 5. Curriculum Goal. The Steps to Achieve don’t align with the stated Goal and Target Outcomes. The Target Outcome relates to evaluating competencies and curriculum, however, the Steps to Achieve relate to the RHIT exam results.
Standard 6. Faculty Development Goal. Result #1 is an individual responsibility as well as a requirement for employment, and should be deleted from the Program Evaluation Plan. Analysis/Action Plan #1 – delete the first sentence on maintenance of credentials.
Standard 24. The Curriculum. All competencies are addressed and at the required taxonomy level; however, the following course revisions/assignments need to be developed/implemented: I.C.1., III.A.2., III.F.1., III.G.1., VI.D.2., VI.H.2.