1201 S. State St.
Big Rapids, MI, 49307
Program Director: Paula Rehfus-Hagstrom , MM, RHIA
Program Phone: (231) 591-2395
Program Email: PaulaHagstrom@ferris.edu
Content Delivery: Campus Based, Online
Program Level: Baccalaureate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 11/21/2019
Next Review Cycle: 2029-2030
Accreditation Actions
July 2020 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
December 2019 Accreditation Action: Grant ten years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following 2018 Standards:
Standard 12. Action Plan Implementation. In response to the site visit, Ferris State has provided a detailed action plan that outlines the changes the program will be making to the curriculum. The timeframe for implementing the curricular changes begins in fall semester 2019 and spans the current academic year and fall semester of 2020. The Standard remains partially met until the program has had adequate time to complete a number of curriculum content changes (including the creation of one or more new courses, updating assignments, textbook changes and adding simulation activities). Some simulation activities are being implemented this fall semester in MRIS 461.
Standard 18. Professional Development. The program director has provided a detailed, projected professional development plan for fall 2019 and spring 2020. It is noted that the estimated cost of travel ($9600) exceeds the $800 budgeted for each full-time faculty member. ($2400 total). Timme grants, Perkins and other funding (professional development incentive money, speaker $2000) may make up the difference. Under the guidance of the program director, all HIM faculty require ongoing professional development related to the curriculum content to which they are assigned. Per site team review, faculty have had no activity outside of the college in professional activity.
Standard 23. Student Access to Resources. In the program response found at Standard 24, there is evidence that five simulation activities with EHRGo have been added in MRIS 461. These activities are being implemented in Fall 2019. Plans are to add five more in Spring 2020 and implement other simulation activities in MRIS 402. Students are not exposed to any simulation/hands-on lab activities in their 300 and 400 level courses such as AHIMA Vlab, Neehr Perfect EHR Go, or other online HIM simulation activities. Five EHRGo simulation activities are being implemented this fall semester.
Standard 24. The Curriculum. The following competencies remain partially met until assignments have been implemented: I.B.2, I.B.3, I.C.3, I.C.4, I.D.2, I.D.3, I.D.4, I.D.5, II.A.2, III.A.2, III.A.5, III.A.6, III.C.6, III.E.2, III.F.1, III.G.1, III.G.2, III.G.3, III.H.1, III.H.2, V.A.5, V.B.3, V.D.1, VI.D.3.
The following competency remains unmet:
III.H.5 (no assignment provided in the response). The curriculum syllabi and course content must ensure concise and adequate coverage of the AHIMA HIM competencies and taxonomy level for baccalaureate degree programs. One competency, III.H.5 remains unaddressed.
Standard 27. Curriculum Evaluation. In the program response to the site visit, an explanation has been provided regarding discrepancies between to proof domain documentation and what appears in the course notebooks (online content). In addition, the program will be moving forward with changes to the curriculum and new/revised competencies with evaluation methodologies.
The program must demonstrate that the curriculum meets or exceeds the professional course content as published in the AHIMA HIM entry-level curriculum competencies and knowledge clusters for baccalaureate degree programs.