535 W Michigan St., Suite 475
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Program Director: Lisa Desnoyers , MPH, RHIA, SME
Program Phone: (317) 278-8592
Program Email: ldesnoye@iu.edu
Content Delivery: Campus Based, Online
Certificate Of Degree: Yes
Program Level: Baccalaureate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 04/25/2022
Next Review Cycle: 2029-2030
Accreditation Actions
December 2022 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
May 2022 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following 2018 Standards:
Standard 3. Program Effectiveness Measures. The program’s revised PEP represents progress toward addressing this Standard.
Standard 18. Curriculum. The following curriculum competencies remain Partially Met: Domain I.3 and Domain VI.7. In response, these competencies were remapped to courses currently taught in the program. The submitted HIM-M490 assignment showing essay questions requiring assessment of ethical practice scenarios addresses VI.7 at the appropriate Bloom’s level. Domain 1.3 remains Partially Met. In the submitted HIM-M370 assignment, students apply productivity standards to coding scenarios with a focus on volume, addressing competencies III.3 and/or VI.3. The I.3 competency (Evaluate policies and strategies to achieve data integrity) is not clearly addressed.
Standard 19. Syllabi. Course syllabi are detailed and well-constructed, but competencies are not correctly identified.