Health Science

Health Science

Health Science is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses the study of human health, disease prevention, and the healthcare system. It integrates knowledge from the biological, physical, and social sciences to understand and address health-related issues at both individual and population levels.

Health Science Accreditation

Associate Degree

Associate in Health Science Accreditation Standards and Curriculum Competencies

The 2nd comment period for the Associate in Health Science Accreditation Standards and Curriculum Competencies, developed by the CAHIIM Health Science Accreditation Council, is now over. CAHIIM Would like to thank all those who participated in the comment period; your feedback is important in the development of relevant, high quality standards for health science associate degree programs.

Two opportunities were provided for the public to submit comments. The first open public comment period ended August 15, 2024, and the Council carefully evaluated all comments received during this period. Modifications were made, and the second draft was released for a second open comment period which will ran from October 2, 2024 to October 24, 2024. Any necessary changes will be incorporated and the final version of the Standards and the Curriculum Competencies will be presented for approval by the CAHIIM Board of Directors in December 2024.

Project Timeline

Education programs use competencies to inform the curriculum and ensure all students can function at the competence level upon graduation.

Baccalaureate Degree
Website Requirements

Website Publication Requirements

CAHIIM is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).  As part of that recognition, accredited programs are required to publish student outcomes, in addition to our other public disclosure requirements.

The following items must be located on the main “landing page” for the academic program, rather than on sub-pages which require clicking a link from the landing page.  It is, however, acceptable for this information to exist on expandable/collapsible sections of the landing page.

Programs submit the link to their landing page as part of their Annual Program Assessment Report (APAR).

For questions about these requirements, please contact

CAHIIM Accreditation Manual

For more information about CAHIIM’s Standards revision process, refer to CAHIIM Accreditation Manual.