111 W. Congress Street
Charles Town, WV, 25414
Program Director: Keechia Ross , MBA, RHIA
Program Phone: (304) 479-2845
Program Email: kross@apus.edu
Content Delivery: Online
Program Level: Baccalaureate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Initial
Last Accreditation Date: 02/27/2020
Next Review Cycle: 2027-2028
Accreditation Actions
October 2020 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Initial Accreditation
March 2020 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Initial Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following 2018 Standards:
Standard 24. The Curriculum. While some of the submitted assignments have been revised satisfactorily, they are still competencies that are not in compliance as there was no implementation date referenced. Partially Met curriculum competencies: I.B.3, III.C.3, III.C.4, V.D.1, VI.A.2, VI.A.3, VI.D.3, VI.D.5, VI.E.1, VI.H.4
Not Met curriculum competency: VI.A.4.
Standard 26. Curriculum Syllabi and Competencies. The updated syllabi and the syllabus template indicates that there is a plan to include all of the necessary information as required. While updated syllabi do show faculty contact information and the syllabus template reflects a plan to include this information going forward, no implementation date is shown.