900 Wood Road
Greenquist Hall 345
Kenosha, WI, 53141
Program Director: Elizabeth Rockendorf , MS, RHIA, CHTS-IM, CHPS
Program Phone: (262) 515-2680
Program Email: rockendo@uwp.edu
Content Delivery: Online
Program Level: Baccalaureate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Initial
Last Accreditation Date: 09/04/2018
Next Review Cycle: 2028-2029
Accreditation Actions
April 2019 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Initial Accreditation
September 2018 Accreditation Action: Grant 10 years of Initial Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met
Standard 16. Faculty. At least two full-time faculty with HIM experience are necessary to support the program.
Standard 24. Curriculum. The following areas are still partially met: All curriculum deficiencies have not yet been implemented. The following competencies are considered to be partially met until changes are actually implemented: I.A.1. I.A.4. I.B.3. I.D.2. II.A.1. II.B.2. II.B.4 II.B.5. II.C.1 III.A.4. III.B.1. III.C.2. III.C.6. III.D.2. III.E.1 III.F.1. III.H.1. III.H.2. III.H.3. IV.A.4. V.A.1. V.A.2. V.C.1 V.D.2 VI.F.5 VI.F.6 VI.H.2 VI.J.1. VI.J.2. VI.K.1.
Standard 26. Curriculum Syllabi and Competencies. Course objectives must be written at the appropriate Bloom’s level to reflect the level of learning that occurs in 300 and 400 level courses.