Western Nebraska Community College

Program Director: Nicole Danielzuk
Program Phone: (308) 635-6316
Program Email: danielzn@wncc.edu
Content Delivery: Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 02/24/2021
Next Review Cycle: 2028-2029

Accreditation Actions

October 2021 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
March 2021 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met:
Standard 3.  Program Mission.  Although, the program submitted information for the College’s policy for Program Curriculum Program Review and a Student Survey; additional information for this Standard needs to be submitted.
Standard 24.  The Curriculum.  Although, the curriculum validation tool included the assignment to meet the deficiency; several needed additional assignments/case studies to achieve a higher taxonomic level course activity to address deficiencies.
For competency I.B.4, even though the second assignment for I.B.4, met the competency therefore it is met, based on the information provided for I.B.4 – part 1, it appears the students are evaluating an ethical problem and not differentiating the roles and responsibilities within the healthcare continuum.
The following additional competencies are Partially Met:
I.A.2., I.B.1., I.D.2., II.A.1., III.A.2., III.B.1., III.B.2., III.D.2., III.H.1, IV.A.1., IV.A.2., V.A.2., V.B.1., VI.C.3., VI.D.2., VI.D.3., VI.E.2., VI.F.2., VI.G.1., VI.H.3., VI.H.4.
The following additional competencies are Not Met: II.A.1., V.B.2., V.D.1., V.D.2.