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Health Science Initial Accreditation



Prior to the application process, a sponsoring institution must develop a program that meets the professional curriculum content and quality of the program as measured by the Health Science Accreditation Standards and Program administrators must ensure that the program is sustainable per its resource and needs assessment. The program must be developed to ensure stability professionally and financially.

Candidacy Status Application Process

Conditions for Pre-Application

Timing: Program assesses readiness for application for accreditation.

The following requirements must be met or completed during this stage in development and when submitting an application:

Program Director: Have hired a permanent Program Director that meets the minimum qualifications in the Standards for a Program Director. The position must be full time throughout the application process.
Applicant Program Campus: The program and campus applying for accreditation must award the degree which includes online applicant campuses.

Other campus institutional requirements: The sponsoring institution is accredited by a regional or national accrediting institutional organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) to offer a degree or the sponsoring institution accredited by a national accreditor with USDE provisions their Grant for Accreditation for establishing eligibility to participate in Title IV programs. Upon request, the applying campus program must provide the OPEID number assigned by the U.S. Department of Education as proof of participation for financial aid. State Board of Education approvals must also be completed.

Accreditation Timelines (Poster (Landscape))

Step 1. Letter of Intent & Credentialing Disclaimer

Once the program verifies that it meets the minimum requirements for application and has begun enrollments, the program's President / CEO submits the letter of intent describing its readiness to pursue accreditation.

Content Description:
  1. Describe support for the program.

  2. State reasons for the program inception or program need.

  3. Confirm state and institutional authority to provide the degree granting program.

  4. Indicate the month and year of the program launch.

  5. Indicate projected month and year of first graduation class.

The program must also submit a signed credentialing disclaimer in order for the application to be considered. The Provost or an individual holding an equivalent position must sign the disclaimer.

Letters of Intent and the signed credentialing disclaimer can be submitted by selecting the button below.

Complete Step 1

Step 2: Program Submits Application

Programs will be invoiced an application fee when submitting their application for accreditation, prior to acceptance into candidacy. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for up-to-date information about fees. When applying for CAHIIM accreditation, there are six (6) required documents that must be completed prior to the submission to CAHIIM:

1. CAHIIM Curriculum Mapping Document
- Complete and upload the CAHIIM Curriculum Mapping document found here.

2. Syllabi (2)
- Submit a sample syllabus for a core Health Science course from the final phase of the program.
- Submit the syllabus for their required applied experiential learning.

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) for the Program Director
- Submitted CV must be up-to-date.

5. Curriculum Vitae for the Faculty Members
- Faculty member(s) must be teaching in the program. Submitted CVs must be up-to-date.

6. Profile Page
- The profile page is a document which provides CAHIIM with all contact information for the program.
- The blank, fillable document can be downloaded here.

Step 3: Application Reviewed for Candidacy Eligibility

The application will be reviewed upon receipt of all application requirements by CAHIIM staff. An assessment will be provided within 90 days of receipt of application. Program may be requested to provide additional information or clarification. 

CAHIIM senior staff reserves the right to make final administrative decisions of a program's application status with CAHIIM.

Step 4: Candidacy Status Granted

Denied: An application may be rejected if it does not meet the conditions for application or there are documented issues of non compliance with the Standards at anytime.

Accepted: If program is accepted into Candidacy Status, an EPC code & Self-Assessment due date is assigned and the Candidacy status fee is invoiced.

CAHIIM Candidacy Status Description - An application stage while the Candidate program is allowed to complete the Self Assessment information and documentation in the online system.

An applicant program allowed into Candidacy Status is:

1. Assigned a CAHIIM Educational Program Code (EPC)

2. Assigned a Self Assessment Due Date (1 year from date of when Candidacy Status was achieved)

3. Assigned a Candidacy Status expiration date (2 years from date of when Candidacy Status was achieved)

4. Sent Invoice for the Candidacy Status Fee

Expiration of Candidacy Status

This status will be terminated if it is found that the Requirements for Candidacy have not been maintained at any time or the maximum 2-year period has elapsed. If the program has been informed of this action, the program must reapply by submitting a new Application for Candidacy.

Step 5: Program Submits Self-Assessment 

The program’s Self-Assessment is due by the date provided in the Candidacy Status notification letter or a late fee is assessed. We encourage early Self-Assessment submissions.

Step 6: Self-Assessment Reviewed

A formal staff review and assessment of the information submitted. CAHIIM’s preliminary assessment  will be provided within 90 days. A request for clarification or additional information may be requested and is reviewed by CAHIIM quality education staff in the order received. The program’s site visit date is coordinated during this time.

Step 7: Site Visit Conducted

The site visit of the program verifies the accuracy of documentation submitted by the program. The site visit team will meet with program officials to seek conformity with the CAHIIM Accreditation Standards. After the site visit is concluded the site visit team will complete a Site Visit Report that is generated within 10 days of the conclusion of the visit.

The program is invoiced the Site Visit Fee once the program approves the site visit team.

The following documents will be provided for this stage:
1. Site Visit Checklist
2. Site Visit Itinerary Template

Step 8: Program's Response to Site Visit Report

A formal response to the site visit results is requested from the program director within 30 days.

Step 9: Accreditation Council Review

The CAHIIM accreditation council reviews program’s response to the site visit report to verify compliance with the CAHIIM Accreditation Standards. The Council makes a recommendation motion for the program’s accreditation status. Any program may be awarded a six (6) month Progress Report to be submitted if there exists Standard deficiencies that remain that require time for implementation. This information will be required to be completed in the CAHIIM Accreditation System by the CAHIIM specified due date.

Step 10: Board of Directors Review

The CAHIIM Board of Directors reviews the recommendation motion presented by the Council and makes the final vote on the program’s accreditation status.  The program is notified of decision within 10 days.

Step 11: Progress Report 

In order to maintain accreditation status the program must submit a six (6) month progress report that satisfies the remaining Standard deficiencies that resulted from the review process.

The Board Report will reflect the current Not Met or Partial Met Standard deficiencies that require the institution’s attention and provides guidelines for resolution and evidence of implementation in order to achieve full compliance for the program.

Failure to submit this report by the due date may place the program on Administrative Probationary Accreditation. An unsatisfactory progress report or a Substantive Change in Program Director during the progress report process may result in a Focused Review and site visit of the program.

Situations that Adversely Affect the Application Process 

Change in Program Director: A change in program director is prohibited during the application process and will lead to removal of Candidate Status and application rejected if the Self Assessment stage has already been submitted.
A stable program with no deficiencies may appoint a new permanent program director that is a full time faculty person that meets the qualifications of Program Director in the Standards. The new program director candidate must have been employed and have had involvement in the program for a minimum of 12 months.


A copy of the Accreditation Standards and the Curriculum Facets can be found below.

Health Science Accreditation Standards

Health Science Curriculum Facets - Baccalaureate Level

Health Science Brochure